About Emi
Emi Shoga is a seasoned real estate professional serving Port Washington and the surrounding communities on Long Island's North Shore. Since 2002, she has provided her market expertise and area knowledge to buyers and sellers in both residential and rental properties with great conviction and support. Emi's real estate talents extend to families relocating to New York from abroad, easing the stress and excitement that her clients experience when finding a place to call home. Whether they're buying or selling, Emi tends to all the details to ensure her clients have a smooth transition. In her prior career as a project manager for a busy video production company, managing tight deadlines, budgets, and hiring staff translate well to the numerous tasks involved in seeing a real estate transaction through to completion. Her greatest reward is finding her clients their "dream house" and she is grateful for their show of trust by their continued referral to their family and friends.…
Emi Shoga is a seasoned real estate professional serving Port Washington and the surrounding communities on Long Island's North Shore. Since 2002, she has provided her market expertise and area knowledge to buyers and sellers in both residential and rental properties with great conviction and support. Emi's real estate talents extend to families relocating to New York from abroad, easing the stress and excitement that her clients experience when finding a place to call home. Whether they're buying or selling, Emi tends to all the details to ensure her clients have a smooth transition. In her prior career as a project manager for a busy video production company, managing tight deadlines, budgets, and hiring staff translate well to the numerous tasks involved in seeing a real estate transaction through to completion. Her greatest reward is finding her clients their "dream house" and she is grateful for their show of trust by their continued referral to their family and friends. When she's not out showing all the great Port Washington homes, Emi enjoys discovering new restaurants. You may also see her around town getting in a few games of tennis or taking long walks near the shore.
生賀恵美は2002年以来、ロングアイランドのポートワシントンとその周辺地域において、売買・賃貸の両分野で、自ら培った専門的ノウハウと地域情報をベースに不動産サービスを提供しています。彼女の顧客には、海外からニューヨークへ移住する方も多く含まれます。文化や商習慣の異なる外国での家探しには、ストレス、戸惑い、驚きがつきものです。自らも同じ経験を有する彼女だからこそ、お客様の気持ちにより沿った「NYのマイホーム探し」をサポートできます。不動産エージェントになる以前は、映像制作会社のプロジェクト・マネージャーとして、厳しい締め切りや予算の管理、スタッフの雇用などあらゆる職務をこなしてきました。彼女のこの経験は、物件の内見からクロージングまで、不動産取引の各場面で要求される綿密かつタイムリーな対応に生かされています。お客様一人ひとりの「ドリームハウス」を見つけること、またお客様からご家族やご友人を紹介いただけることが、彼女の一番の喜びであり、前に進み続ける原動力です。仕事以外の時間では、レストランめぐり、テニス、ウォーキングを楽しんでいます。(対応言語: 英語 日本語)
Awards & Accomplishments
- Associate Real Estate Broker
- Member of National Association of Realtors
- Member of Long Island Board of Realtors